Elogic CommerceServicesBigCommerce to Shopify Plus Migration

BigCommerce to Shopify Plus Smooth Transition

Seamlessly migrate from BigCommerce to Shopify, enhancing your ecommerce efficiency. Ensure smooth data transfer and upgrade your store’s capabilities. Initiate your journey to a streamlined online platform today.

Let’s Discuss Requirements
bigcommerce to shopify migration

Our Migration Process

Boost your store’s performance and elevate sales with comprehensive migration solutions.

Site Evaluation
Our specialists scrutinize your current store to unearth potential risks and challenges, grasp the full extent of the project, and suggest improved options for functionalities, add-ons, and system integrations.
Migration Plan Creation
We devise a detailed strategy to guarantee seamless migration, align all parties, and manage expectations, outlining the project's schedule, detailed specs, and a clear path forward.
Store Data Backup
Rest assured about your data's security — we conduct a complete backup before initiating the migration, ensuring you can retrieve any information and swiftly adjust to new requirements.
Theme Transfer
Direct theme migration is often not feasible. Our team crafts a tailored theme that meets your needs and enhances user experience, driving higher conversion rates.
Plugin Transfer
Our service includes a holistic data transfer through automated and manual methods or building a new set of tools from the ground up to maintain your store's functionality and improve its overall performance.
Custom Script Transfer
The upgrade process encompasses a thorough analysis and refinement of custom scripts, maximizing your store’s efficiency and speed on the new platform.
Information Transfer
Our accredited experts handle the transfer of all customer, order, product, and configuration data, ensuring compatibility with the new system, installing necessary tools, and finalizing your platform changeover.
Quality Checks
We meticulously test each aspect of your updated site, identify and rectify any issues, confirm its stability under extensive use, safeguard data integrity, and ready your store for launch.
Ecommerce Platform Debut
Post-launch, your site is immediately operational for sales. Consider continuous collaboration with Elogic for sustained support and maintenance to prevent potential issues.

What Data Can Be Transferred

  • Products
    ✓ ID , Name, SKU, Full Description.
    ✓ Price, Sale Price.
    ✓ URL , Meta Title, Meta Description.
    ✓ Weight.
    ✓ UPC.
    ✓ Variants ( SKU ).
    ✓ Base Image, Additional Images.
    ✓ Quantity.
  • Categories
    ✓ Name, Description, Status.
    ✓ Name, Description, Status.
    ✓ Image.
    ✓ URL , Meta Title, Meta Description.
  • Manufacturers
    ✓ Name
  • Customers
    ✓ First and last name, Email.
    ✓ Billing Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
    ✓ Shipping Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
  • Orders
    ✓ Order Date, Order Status, Order Products ( Name, SKU ), Product Price, Quantity, SubTotal Price, Discount Price, Tax Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Comments.
    ✓ Billing Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
    ✓ Shipping Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
  • Coupons
    ✓ Name, Coupon Code, Type Discount, Discount Amount.
  • Reviews
    ✓ Created Date, Rate, User Name, Comment, Product.
  • Blogs
    ✓ Title, Full Description, Short Description, Tags, SEO URL, Post Redirects.
    ✓ Image.

How BigCommerce to Shopify Migration Can Empower Your Business

Here are six key points on how migrating from BigCommerce to Shopify offers distinct advantages that can propel your business forward.


Enhanced Usability and Management

Transitioning to Shopify means accessing an intuitive platform that simplifies store management, especially for those without technical expertise. This ease of use can lead to more efficient day-to-day operations.


Superior Reliability and Performance

Shopify Plus, known for its reliability, ensures your online store remains operational without downtime, providing a stable and dependable platform for your business.


Access to Exclusive, Customizable Themes

With Shopify, you can choose from a wide variety of unique and professional themes, offering the flexibility to customize your store’s appearance and enhance the customer experience.


Scalability and Growth Potential

Shopify is designed to support business growth, allowing you to easily add new sales channels and expand into new markets, facilitating smooth scaling as your business evolves.


Optimized Platform Redesign

Migration is an opportune time to revamp your ecommerce platform, improving aspects like user experience, performance, and marketing automation to better serve your business needs.


Integration and Headless Commerce

Shopify Plus supports headless commerce, enabling you to separate back-end processes from front-end customer interactions, which can lead to innovative selling opportunities and a more streamlined customer experience.

Migration Options

Automated Data

Through automation, your site’s content, including text and images, is effortlessly shifted to the new platform.
Pros: Quick, easy to use, and cost-effective.
Cons: Best suited for simpler sites, may not transfer every element flawlessly.
Delivery time: 1 month

Data Migration
Service Package

Professionals facilitate your site migration, leveraging both automated systems and manual fine-tuning.
Pros: Customizable, caters specifically to your site’s requirements, ensures precise migration.
Cons: Pricier and more time-intensive compared to automated methods.
Delivery time: up to 3 months

Custom BigCommerce to Shopify Plus Migration

Analogous to meticulously packing each object, data is methodically moved in segments or via integrations.
Pros: Provides complete control and thorough preservation of data.
Cons: Expensive, labor-intensive, and demands technical know-how.
Delivery time: up to 5 months

Switch from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus Today

Why to Choose Elogic Commerce for Migration


SEO Optimization Mastery

Migration is executed with an eye on SEO retention, tweaking the site architecture, link paths, and URLs to keep your visitor numbers stable.


Zero Data Loss

We ensure a flawless transfer of all crucial assets, like text, images, videos, and SEO configurations, with no detail overlooked.


Seamless Team Adaptation

Providing detailed training and support, we facilitate a swift and efficient adaptation of your staff to the new platform, safeguarding operational efficiency.

Custom Solution Migration

Our expertise in custom solution transfers means we navigate the complexities to eliminate unnecessary expenses and redevelopment.

Solve Technical Challenges

We leverage our technical proficiency to ensure a seamless switch, preempting and resolving any issues with plugins and themes.

Uninterrupted Site Operation

Our strategic approach minimizes downtime, keeping your website operational and business activities uninterrupted throughout the migration process.

What Our Clients are Saying

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Alice Fitch Founder & CEO

“You guys are absolutely part of our team, and each of us takes responsibility for our parts in making the magic happen.”

Обложка play
Virginie De Andrea Digital Communications Specialist

“We can always be in touch. It’s easy to get in touch with you guys, and I think the projects run smoothly”

Обложка play
Chris Philbrick Marketing Director

“You guys are always a partner who is willing to work through problems with us, and help us identify those problems and find the best solution for it”

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Book your meeting directly

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.



    Can I transfer all my data, including customer passwords, from BigCommerce to Shopify?

    While you can transfer most data like products, customers, and orders, customer passwords cannot be migrated due to encryption differences between platforms. Customers will need to reset their passwords on the new Shopify site .

    How do I handle currency and language settings during the migration?

    Shopify does not support direct migration of languages and currencies from BigCommerce. All prices will be set in the default currency of Shopify. For multilingual support, you may need to use third-party applications available in the Shopify App Store to accommodate different languages.

    How do I handle custom features and code from BigCommerce in Shopify?

    Custom features and code can not be transferred to Shopify within automated migration. Hence, you need to develop new custom solutions or find equivalent apps in the Shopify App Store to replicate the functionality of your BigCommerce store. Contact Elogic for free consultation.

    How We Secure Your Data During Migration

    We employ rigorous data handling protocols to ensure no data loss. Your information is transferred securely, with continuous backups and encryption to protect sensitive data. We also provide options to clear data on the target store before migration to avoid duplication and ensure a clean slate for the new setup.

    Can I migrate my BigCommerce store’s design and themes directly to Shopify?

    Direct migration of themes from BigCommerce to Shopify is not possible due to platform differences. You will likely need to select a new Shopify theme or create a custom design that reflects your brand’s identity.

    Can I automate the migration process, and what are the risks?

    While automation can streamline the migration, there is a risk of data loss or incorrect mapping. It’s vital to use reliable migration services like Elogic and conduct both automated and custom migration.

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