Hire BigCommerce

Hire BigCommerce experts to accelerate your development, fill the gaps in expertise, and enter the market earlier. Extend your team with our certified BigCommerce developers and provide outstanding shopping experience to your customers.

Stand out from the competition with our BigCommerce experts

Empower every aspect of your project with our platform development, transformation, and migration knowledge. Hire BigCommerce theme developers and get the following benefits:

Introduce the all-around expertise across markets, domains, and technologies
Save time and resources compared to hiring in-house BigCommerce developers
Achieve an ultimate cost efficiency with rapid team scaling up and down
Take advantage of direct communication with your dedicated developer
Meet your BigCommerce development demands with our flexible engagement options
Reinforce your tech strategy with our expertise in extensions, integrations, migration, and more

Deliver better results and enhance productivity with BigCommerce dedicated developers from Elogic

Elogic dedicated
BigCommerce developers
In-house developers
Freelance contributors
Depends on engagement
Comprehensive, across
multiple project types and markets
Rather limited
Rather limited
Guidance/ Consultancy
Yes, plus project manager
or tech lead free of charge
Depends on seniority
Reasons to choose
All-around expertise across
development, migration, and transformation
Suits complex, long-term projects
Cost-efficiency when it comes
to minor tasks and improvements
High recruitment costs and burn rate
Undefined expertise, less stability,
doesn’t suit long-term projects

Get BigCommerce certified experts who make a difference

Igor Kolosenko
Igor Kolosenko
Senior BigCommerce developer
Experience: 6 years

Igor has been involved in several enterprise-level projects, and has comprehensive expertise in ecommerce platform development, extensions development, and migration.

Igor Kolosenko
  • Increased the page loading speed by 5 times for a large marketplace with more than 2500 retailers by incorporating code optimization practices
  • Optimized the development process for an industrial automation solutions provider, which led the development time reduction by 2.5 times
Development methodologies
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Lean
  • XP
  • Bachelor’s degree in IT security
Major Projects
  • Ecommerce platform performance and security audit, integrations set assessment and platform updates planning
  • B2B ecommerce platform extension with B2C functionalities that include custom PIM development, ERP integration, and performance optimization
  • Large fashion-focused marketplace performance optimization, which included migration to AWS, code audit and refactoring, maintenance costs reduction, and more. As a result, the client experienced a page loading speed improvement of 5 times.
Hard Skills
  • 6 years of experience as a BigCommerce engineer
  • Strong knowledge of PHP, Laravel framework, and SQL
  • Extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • 4 years of experience with Tailwind CSS and AlpineJS
  • Deep expertise in integrating payment gateways and performance optimization
  • Experience within enterprise ecommerce platforms and local solutions
  • Experience with composing the extensions and integration sets
Soft Skills
  • Team leadership, mentorship, and guidance across every aspect of the development
  • Sharp presentation skills both in-person and in video conference framework
  • Clear structuring of the requirements, business goals translation into technical tasks
  • Strong team management and task prioritization skills

How to hire our BigCommerce developers

Reinforce your development efforts with our experts in up to 14 days — we’ve designed an easy, straightforward process to help you do so.
Describe your inquiry
Before you hire certified BigCommerce developers, share the basic information on your project and needs — do you need to build a solution from scratch or modernize your existing one? How many experts do you need?
Interview the developers
Your time is of the highest value for us. So shortly after your inquiry and our initial call, you will receive CVs of our available BigCommerce specialists with relevant expertise to your project requirements. At this step, you can interview your preferred candidate and send them a test task.
Hire BigCommerce web developers
After the interview and test tasks, you make a decision whether to hire our engineers, how many of them, and who exactly you want to allocate. Keep in mind that you can recruit not only back-end and front-end developers but also QAs, DevOps, or designers, and other non-tech team members.
Sign the contract, SLA, and NDA
We’ll come back shortly after your decision to sign the agreement and legal papers that cover our obligations and non-disclosure agreement, so you can be sure about confidentiality and quality.
Start working on the project
Our team members have all the tools and gear needed to start, so we start generating value right away, with no need of dealing with administrative issues.

What our clients are saying

If we experience an issue at any time, Elogic Commerce is accessible and quickly handles the problem.

Robin Hansson

CEO, Dampfi

They only accept jobs that they know that they can do, and are good at managing expectations.

Wes Gleeson

Managing Director, Yellowblue

The team's general technical knowledge and Magento expertise distinguish them from other providers.

Elliot Thomas

Technical Lead, Instant ECARE

What our clients are saying


Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.


    Frequently asked questions

    Do you have BigCommerce developers of different skill levels?

    The core of our team consists of middle and senior certified developers able to deliver value to projects of different sizes and technology stacks. When allocating an engineer from Elogic, you can count on the expertise the whole company has, not only the knowledge of the developer you get.

    What time zone are your BigCommerce programmers in?

    We are located in GMT+3, which is especially handy for our clients from the US and Australia — we work when they sleep, so the work on the project runs 16 hours instead of 8. On the other hand, we still have several hours to conduct meetings and demos.

    Do your BigCommerce developers have experience with API integration?

    Yes. Our certified BigCommerce developers have extensive expertise in building from scratch, transformation, migration, API integration, extensions, and more. In a word, we cover everything you may need to do with BigCommerce.

    How to hire a perfect BigCommerce developer?

    If you want to hire an expert BigCommerce developer, your main task is to make sure of his professional experience. As a rule, a real BigCommerce expert has at least 5 years of experience, so the cost of hiring cannot be low. They can be considered for hire only if certified.

    How quickly can I hire BigCommerce developers through Elogic?

    It takes us up to 14 days after we get an inquiry to provide you with engineers that possess expertise relevant to your project. Typically, within 14 days our clients get and review CVs, conduct interviews, sign papers, and onboard our engineers.

    Is there a trial period of interaction with your BigCommerce expert team?

    We are okay with conducting a short test period so you can make sure our expertise matches your project. Typically, such test periods cover multiple pieces of work that reflect the development specifics.

    What is the hourly rate for BigCommerce developers at your company?

    The hourly rate depends on the seniority of developers you engage. For long-term projects and those involving a large number of engineers, the rate may be negotiable.

    Can I hire a dedicated BigCommerce developers team for my project and manage them by myself?

    Sure. You can either manage the developers by yourself or communicate and control the development via our project manager if you find this option more efficient. At Elogic, you can hire a team, a full-time developer, or a part-time developer, so you get additional flexibility in terms of cooperation.

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