Elogic CommerceServicesShopify to BigCommerce Migration

Seamless Shopify to BigCommerce Migration

Migrate from Shopify to BigCommerce effortlessly! Elevate your online store’s performance and user experience with seamless ecommerce data migration. Unlock new features and capabilities for your business today.

Let’s Discuss Requirements

Our Migration Process

Boost your online shop’s performance and grow your profits with comprehensive migration support.

Website Evaluation
Our specialists conduct a thorough review of your current online store to uncover any potential issues or weaknesses, understand the project's scope comprehensively, and suggest improved options for features, add-ons, and connectivity.
Formulating a Migration Plan
For a seamless transition, we establish a detailed plan, ensuring alignment and clear communication among all parties involved. This plan outlines the project's schedule, detailed specifications, and a step-by-step guide.
Data Safety Measures
Your ecommerce data's security is our priority. We start with a complete backup of your shop, ensuring every piece of information can be recovered swiftly, facilitating easy adjustments to any project changes.
Adapting Your Site's Theme
Direct theme transfer is often not feasible. Thus, we craft a bespoke theme that meets your specific needs and is fine-tuned for enhanced user engagement and higher conversion rates.
Transferring Extensions
Our service extends to integrating a blend of automated and tailored data transfer methods, or we can entirely rebuild your suite of tools to retain your site's functionality while boosting overall performance on both desktop and mobile platforms.
Updating Custom Code
We refine and update any custom code as part of our enhancement services, leveraging the latest platform features for improved speed and efficiency.
Transferring Data
Our certified experts carefully transfer all necessary data, including customer details, order history, product information, and store settings, ensuring compatibility with your new platform, implementing necessary tools, and finalizing your store's transformation.
Ensuring Quality
We meticulously test the updated site's functionalities, identify and rectify any issues, confirm its ability to handle high-traffic volumes securely and make sure it's ready for public access.
Launching Your Ecommerce Site
Once live, your updated online store is ready for immediate business. Partner with us for continuous support and maintenance to avoid any unforeseen issues and maintain optimal operation.

What Data Can Be Transferred

data transfer
  • Products
    ✓ Name, SKU, Complete Description, Statuses, Manufacturers.
    ✓ Prices, Special Prices.
    ✓ Meta Title, Meta Description.
    ✓ Weight.
    ✓ Variants: (SKU, Weight, Price, Special Price, Name).
    ✓ Base Image, Additional Images.
    ✓ Quantity.
  • Product Categories
    ✓ Name, Description, Status.
    ✓ Pictures, URL, Meta-Data (Title, Keywords, and Description).
  • Manufacturers
    ✓ Name
  • Customers
    ✓ First and last name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State and Country name, Zip Code, Telephone, and Email addresses.
  • Orders
    ✓ First and last name, Company, Order Dates, Statuses, Products (with their Name, SKU, Option), Product Price, Quantity, Total Price, Shipping Price, and Discounted Price, Tax Price, Additional Order Comments.
    ✓ Shipping and payment Addresses: First and last name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State and Country name, Zip Code, Telephone, and Email addresses.
  • Coupons
    ✓ Coupon Name, Code, Date, and Expires.
  • Reviews
    ✓ Ratings, Dates, Status, Customer Name, Item, and the Comment.
  • Blogs
    ✓ URLs, SEO, Titles, and Complete Description.

How Shopify to BigCommerce Migration Can Elevate Your Business

Transform your ecommerce platform for enhanced performance and scalability.


Enhanced Store Functionality

With Shopify to BigCommerce migration, gain access to advanced features that streamline operations, improving overall store management efficiency.


Superior SEO Capabilities

Migrate to BigCommerce to leverage superior SEO tools, driving increased visibility and attracting more organic traffic to your business.



Transitioning to BigCommerce offers unparalleled scalability options, allowing your ecommerce store to grow seamlessly with your business demands.


Enhanced Security Features

BigCommerce migration means upgrading to more robust security measures, ensuring your business and customer data are more secure than ever.


Access to More Payment Gateways

Expand your payment options by migrating to BigCommerce, enhancing customer convenience and potentially increasing conversion rates.


Customization and Integration Flexibility

Moving from Shopify to BigCommerce opens up a world of customization and integration possibilities, tailoring your site to fit your brand perfectly.

Migration Options

Automated Data

Just like a spell, the software seamlessly shifts your content (text, visuals) onto a new stage.
Pros: Quick, effortless, and economical.
Cons: Suited mainly for simpler sites, may not replicate every detail flawlessly.
Delivery time: 1 month

Data Migration
Service Package

Specialists facilitate your site’s migration, blending automation with precise manual tweaks.
Pros: Adaptable, tailored to fit the unique demands of your site, ensuring a precise migration.
Cons: Pricier and more time-intensive compared to automated methods.
Delivery time: up to 3 months

Custom Shopify to BigCommerce Migration

Echoing the meticulous process of packing each object by hand, data is moved in batches or via specific integrations.
Pros: Offers unparalleled oversight and integrity preservation.
Cons: Requires a significant investment, both in time and expertise.
Delivery time: up to 5 months

Switch from Shopify to BigCommerce Today

Why to Choose Elogic Commerce for Migration


SEO Optimization Expertise

We safeguard your SEO standings through the transition, modifying site architecture, link paths, and internal connections to keep your audience coming.


Complete Content Retention

Our meticulous approach to data transfer ensures every piece of content, from text to videos and SEO configurations, remains intact.


Effortless Team Integration

Our extensive training and support framework guarantees your staff seamlessly transitions to the new platform, maintaining efficiency.

Tailored Migration Solutions

Our proficiency lies in transferring bespoke systems effectively, recognizing their nuances to eliminate extra expenses and unnecessary overhauls.

Technical Hurdles Overcome

Leveraging our compatibility knowledge, we facilitate a frictionless move, circumventing issues with plugins and themes that could affect performance.

Continuous Site Availability

Our strategy reduces downtime to a minimum, keeping your site open to visitors and business operations smooth throughout the migration process.

What Our Clients are Saying

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Alice Fitch Founder & CEO

“You guys are absolutely part of our team, and each of us takes responsibility for our parts in making the magic happen.”

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Virginie De Andrea Digital Communications Specialist

“We can always be in touch. It’s easy to get in touch with you guys, and I think the projects run smoothly”

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Chris Philbrick Marketing Director

“You guys are always a partner who is willing to work through problems with us, and help us identify those problems and find the best solution for it”

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Book your meeting directly

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.



    What happens to my custom SEO settings when migrating?

    SEO settings, including custom URLs, metadata, and page titles, need to be meticulously preserved and adapted to the new platform’s framework to maintain search rankings and minimize traffic disruptions.

    What measures are taken to secure data during migration?

    Comprehensive data encryption, secure transfer protocols, and rigorous access controls are employed to protect your data throughout the migration process, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

    What is the timeline for a custom data migration project?

    The timeline for custom data migration can vary significantly based on the complexity of your store, the amount of custom data, and specific requirements. A basic migration might take a few weeks, while more complex projects could extend to several months. Planning, testing, and validation phases are crucial to ensure a smooth transition without disrupting your business operations.

    How is custom data handled during migration?

    Custom data, including unique product attributes, customer fields, and specific configurations, requires careful mapping and conversion to align with the new platform’s data structure, ensuring integrity and functionality post-migration.

    How are theme and design customizations transferred?

    Because themes and designs are platform-specific, direct migration isn’t always possible. Custom designs may require recreation or adaptation using BigCommerce’s theming capabilities.

    How can I ensure zero data loss during the custom data migration?

    Rigorous pre-migration data backups, validation checks, and post-migration audits are essential to ensure all data, including custom fields and configurations, is accurately transferred and fully intact.

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