Elogic CommerceServicesAdobe Commerce to BigCommerce Migration

Migrate Adobe Commerce to BigCommerce and Boost Your Store

Enhance your ecommerce experience by migrating from Adobe to BigCommerce! Simplify the migration process and elevate your online business with ecommerce migration services.
Experience the benefits of a robust ecommerce platform with expert support every step of the way.

Let’s Discuss Requirements
adobe commerce to bigcommerce switch

Our Migration Process

Boost your store’s efficiency and elevate your earnings with our comprehensive migration solutions.

Website Assessment
Our specialists evaluate your current ecommerce setup to pinpoint any concealed risks or issues, gain a comprehensive project understanding, and suggest superior solutions for features, extensions, and integration.
Developing a Migration Plan
We formulate a detailed migration strategy to facilitate a seamless transition, ensuring alignment and clear communication among all parties involved, outlining project schedules, requirements, and a step-by-step plan.
Secure Store Backup
Rest assured about the safety of your store's data — we initiate the migration by creating a complete backup of your store, enabling easy restoration and adjustments to any changes in requirements.
Theme Transition
Direct theme migration is often not feasible. Our team crafts a bespoke theme that meets your specifications and enhances user experience and conversion rates through optimization.
Migrating Extensions
Our service includes a comprehensive data migration via automated and manual methods or building a new set of tools from the ground up to equip your store with the same or improved features and performance on both web and mobile.
Custom Code Transition
We provide a service to analyze and refine custom code, ensuring your store leverages enhanced platform efficiency and speed.
Transferring Data
Our certified experts handle the migration of customers, orders, products, and store settings, ensuring compatibility with the new platform, integrating tools, and finalizing your store's transition.
Ensuring Quality
We rigorously test the updated website's functionalities, address any issues, guarantee optimal performance for high traffic, secure data, and ready your store for launch.
Launching Your Ecommerce Store
After going live, you can immediately resume sales. Consider partnering with us for continuous support and maintenance services to prevent potential issues.

What Data Can Be Transferred

data transfer
  • Products
    ✓ Options ( Name, Price ).
    ✓ ID , Name, SKU, Full Description, Status, Manufacturer.
    ✓ Price, Sale Price, Tier Price, MSRP.
    ✓ URL , Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description.
    ✓ Weight.
    ✓ Related Products.
    ✓ Variants ( SKU, Weight, Attributes, Images, Price ).
    ✓ Base Image, Additional Images.
    ✓ Quantity, Manage Stock.
  • Categories
    ✓ Name, Description, Status.
    ✓ Image.
    ✓ URL , Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords.
  • Manufacturers
    ✓ Name
  • Customers
    ✓ First and last name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State and Country name, Zip Code, Telephone, and Email addresses.
  • Orders
    ✓ First and last name, Company, Order Dates, Statuses, Products (with their Name, SKU, Option), Product Price, Quantity, Total Price, Shipping Price, and Discounted Price, Tax Price, Additional Order Comments.
    ✓ Shipping and payment Addresses: First and last name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, City, State and Country name, Zip Code, Telephone, and Email addresses.
  • Coupons
    ✓ Coupon Name, Code, Date, and Expires.
  • Reviews
    ✓ Ratings, Dates, Status, Customer Name, Item, and the Comment.
  • Blogs
    ✓ URLs, SEO, Titles, and Complete Description.

How Adobe to BigCommerce Can Boost your business

Here are six key points based on insights from the comparison between Adobe Commerce and BigCommerce


Simplified Management and Reduced Technical Burden

BigCommerce’s cloud-hosted platform manages hosting and technical maintenance, allowing you to focus more on your business operations without worrying about the technical complexities that come with self-hosting platforms like Adobe Commerce.


Built-in Features and Reduced Need for Extensions

While Adobe Commerce offers extensive customization options through a wide range of extensions, BigCommerce includes a plethora of built-in features out-of-the-box. This reduces the need for additional paid apps and extensions, potentially lowering costs.


for Growing

For small to mid-sized businesses, BigCommerce’s subscription-based pricing offers clear tiers that can accommodate your budget and scale with your business, from startups looking to launch quickly to established businesses aiming for further growth.


Ease of Use

BigCommerce offers a more user-friendly interface compared to Adobe Commerce, making it easier for you to set up, run, and manage your online store without extensive coding knowledge. This can be advantageous for businesses without large IT departments.


Scalability with Ease

Both platforms support scalability, but BigCommerce provides seamless scalability options that can help your store handle increased traffic and sales volumes efficiently as your business grows.


All-round Support

BigCommerce provides 24/7 support via live chat, email, and phone, including a higher level of specialty support for Enterprise clients. This can be crucial for resolving any issues swiftly and ensuring your store operates smoothly at all times.

Migration Options

Automated Data

Like magic, software transfers your content (text, images) to the new platform.
Pros: Fast, convenient, and affordable.
Cons: Limited to basic websites, might not capture everything perfectly.
Delivery time: 1 month

Data Migration
Service Package

Experts help transfer your website, combining automated tools with manual adjustments.
Pros: Flexible, adapts to your website’s needs, and ensures accurate transfer.
Cons: More expensive and takes longer than automation.
Delivery time: up to 3 months

Custom Adobe to BigCommerce Migration

Similar to carefully packing each item, data is transferred in sections or through integrations.
Pros: Gives you maximum control and preserves everything.
Cons: Costly, time-consuming, and requires expertise.
Delivery time: up to 5 months

Switch from Magento to BigCommerce Today

Why to Choose Elogic Commerce for Migration


SEO Optimization Mastery

We ensure your SEO rankings are preserved during migration, adapting site structure, URLs, and internal links to maintain traffic.


Zero Data Loss

Our rigorous data migration process guarantees no loss of important content, including texts, images, videos, metadata, and SEO settings.


Seamless Team Adaptation

We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure your team quickly adapts to the new system without compromising productivity.

Custom Solution Migration

We specialize in migrating custom solutions efficiently, understanding their purpose to avoid unnecessary costs and rewrites.

Solve Technical Challenges

Our expertise in compatibility ensures a smooth transition, avoiding errors and functionality issues with plugins and themes.

Uninterrupted Site Operation

We minimize downtime, ensuring your site remains accessible to users and business operations continue as usual during the migration.

What our Clients are Saying

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Alice Fitch Founder & CEO

“You guys are absolutely part of our team, and each of us takes responsibility for our parts in making the magic happen.”

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Virginie De Andrea Digital Communications Specialist

“We can always be in touch. It’s easy to get in touch with you guys, and I think the projects run smoothly”

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Chris Philbrick Marketing Director

“You guys are always a partner who is willing to work through problems with us, and help us identify those problems and find the best solution for it”

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Book your meeting directly

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.



    What are the main challenges I might face during the ecommerce migration process and how can I overcome them?

    Challenges include data loss or corruption, SEO and URL structure adjustments, and ensuring compatibility of themes and extensions. Opting for a service that provides pre-migration planning, data verification, and post-migration support can mitigate these issues.

    What key considerations should I take into account before starting the migration process?

    Prioritize your migration needs, such as deciding whether to create a new site design or replicate the existing one, identifying necessary features and functionalities, choosing the right platform based on your requirements, and planning your migration strategy to ensure a smooth transition.

    How do I ensure that my SEO rankings are preserved during the migration from Adobe Commerce to BigCommerce?

    Ensuring SEO rankings are preserved involves careful planning and execution, including the use of migration tools that maintain URL structures, transferring meta titles, descriptions, and alt texts, and implementing 301 redirects where necessary. Selecting a migration service that specifically addresses SEO preservation can significantly mitigate the risk of losing search engine visibility during the transition.

    How We Secure Your Data During Migration

    BigCommerce automatically applies security patches and provides a free SSL certificate across all pricing tiers, ensuring customer data remains secure and compliant with regulations like PCI DSS, which is crucial for maintaining store performance and security.

    Can I migrate specific types of data, such as downloadable files or customer groups, between platforms?

    Yes, Elogic offers customizable migrations allowing the transfer of specific data types, including products, customers, orders, and downloadable content, with the ability to map customer groups and order statuses between Adobe Commerce and BigCommerce

    Why is choosing BigCommerce over Adobe Commerce beneficial for my ecommerce platform migration?

    BigCommerce offers a hosted solution eliminating hosting and maintenance fees, faster launch times due to ready themes and apps, and lower overall costs compared to Adobe Commerce, which can be complex and development-heavy.

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