What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing?
Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is a way to promote your product or business when advertisers pay a fee each time users click on the paid promo link. In comparison with organic traffic, PPC marketing is based on bringing new visitors and potential customers by paying for an ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links, which guarantees the top spot on the Google search results page. The difference between paid links (also called “sponsored links”) from the rest of search results is that users see the word “ad” in a small square next to sponsored links.
PPC marketing and advertising depend on the keyword results. Having right keywords and long-tail keywords guarantees the success of your PPC campaign, a more effective cost per click, and can therefore increase your general profits. Hence, if you’re planning to launch a PPC campaign you should use right keywords, which are closely related to the product or service you offer.
There are two models of PPC for your campaigns, which are flat-rate PPC and a bid-based PPC.
Flat-rate PPC
Flat-rate PPC involves advertisers and publishers signing a contract for a fixed sum of money to pay per click. Usually in case of flat-rate PPC marketing advertisers are presented with rates for the content they provide. This means that if the advertiser wants to promote certain goods, he/she can see the price for each page’s promotion depending on the product’s popularity. The flat-rate model is popular among comparison shopping engines, which aim to compare prices for products. Usually, websites included in the comparison shopping engines list, have promo ads for each product they offer.
Bid-based PPC
With bid-based PPC, the advertiser signs a contract that gives him an opportunity to enter a sort of “competition” against other advertisers in an advertising network for a given ad spot based on a keyword. This model of PPC is based on the user’s geolocation, time of the day etc. In case of multiple advertisers, search results are arranged according to the bid each advertiser put and the quality score, which are an important part of ad rank. In the case of bid-based PPC, advertisers pay the sum they bid only after users click their link, i.e they “win” against other paid promos.
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