
What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a set of actions needed to increase the conversion rate of a website.  The goal of CRO is to turn more visitors into buyers (leads). Conversion optimization allows you to convince users that your product meets their needs.

The main conversion rate optimization method is A/B testing, and the best tool is the experiments section of Google Analytics.

Creating the conditions to maximize conversions is the easiest at the stage of creating a site. Unfortunately, many website owners do just the opposite. They are saving on development, planning, and investing more in the promotion of the online store. Often this turns into a drain on the budget and very significant additional costs for redesigning the site. 

When doing conversion optimization, keep in mind the following: 

  • Simply and clearly explain what your website is for, 
  • Create positive associations with your product
  • Designconvenient navigation
  • Address objections, 
  • Organize a feedback section
  • Make a section with customer reviews
  • Make sure you have a price list 
  • Improve your headings – they need to promise interesting information.


Tools to optimize the conversion rate

To optimize the conversion rate, modern software and special services are used, such as Plerdy, Mention, Conversion Voodoo, BuzzSumo, etc.


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