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Pave your way to headless commerce and enhance user experience with a mobile storefront. Build a captivating app that will breed loyal customers and yield more sales with Elogic mobile commerce development.
Delivering top-notch results keeping in mind our clients’ requirements is our #1 priority. And we have lived up to those expectations over the past 10+ years. See the success stories of our clients who have used Elogic services.
Mobile commerce development not only opens your services to digital natives and baby boomers alike but also gives you more sales opportunities. Here are only a few reasons why you should enter the mobile arena.
Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.
Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.
Sure! Partnering with Elogic, you’ll be able to develop a cross-platform solution or a Progressive Mobile Application (PWA) for your existing Magento, BigCommerce, or Shopify store. You might also go the other way around and build a mobile app before the actual ecommerce website (this approach is called mobile-first).
Absolutely. Elogic designs and develops web and app solutions in line with your existing brand identity and current functional requirements. The mobile solution will then be integrated with your live ecommerce website, so expect no downtimes or disruptions to your commerce operations.
Mobile commerce is surely growing more popular, in particular thanks to the ubiquity of handheld devices and the technological advances that open more sales and marketing opportunities to online retailers. In fact, Insider Intelligence predicts that by 2024, global m-commerce sales shall reach over $620 billion, or 42% of ecommerce. Develop your mobile solution and beat your competition!