Elogic CommerceServicesWooCommerce to Adobe Commerce Migration

WooCommerce to Adobe Commerce Migration to Elevate Your Online Business

Enhance your business by migrating from WooCommerce to Magento. Ensure robust ecommerce transfer, boosting performance and scalability. Start your digital transformation today to unlock new opportunities!

Let’s Discuss Requirements
WooCommerce to Adobe Commerce

Our Migration Process

Enhance Your Store’s Performance & Boost Sales with Our Comprehensive Migration Services

Website Evaluation
Our specialists meticulously assess your current store to pinpoint any hidden risks and obstacles, comprehensively understand the project's scope, and recommend improved options for features, extensions, and integrations.
Migration Planning
For a seamless transition, we establish a detailed plan that aligns all parties, detailing project timelines, specifications, and a clear roadmap to follow.
Data Safety Assurance
Rest assured about the safety of your store's data. Prior to migration, we perform a complete backup, ensuring you can recover any information and swiftly adjust to any changes in requirements.
Theme Transition
Direct theme migration is often unfeasible. Therefore, our team creates a tailored theme that meets your needs and enhances user experience, thereby boosting conversion rates.
Extension Transition
We facilitate a comprehensive data transfer through a blend of automated and manual methods, or we can develop a new set of tools from the ground up to maintain your store’s functionality and improve its performance on both web and mobile platforms.
Custom Code Transition
Our enhancement services include a thorough analysis and refinement of custom code, optimizing your store’s performance and loading speed on the new platform.
Data Transfer
Our certified experts handle the migration of all customer, order, product, and configuration data, ensuring compatibility with the new platform, setting up necessary tools, and finalizing your store's transition.
Quality Control
We rigorously test each feature of your updated website, identify and resolve any issues, guarantee optimal performance under significant load, secure data, and prime your store for launch.
Ecommerce Store Deployment
After going live, your store is immediately ready for business. For continued reliability, consider partnering with us for ongoing support and maintenance to prevent any potential disruptions.

What Data Can Be Transferred

data transfer
  • Products
    ✓ Name, SKU, Short Description, Full Description.
    ✓ Status, Price.
    ✓ Meta Title, Meta Description.
    ✓ Weight, Product Tags, Variants, Image, Quantity, Manage Stock.
  • Categories
    ✓ Name, Description, Image.
    ✓ Meta Title, Meta Description.
    ✓ URL , Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords.
  • Customers
    ✓ First Name, Last Name.
    ✓ Email, Passwords, Billing Address, Shipping Address.
  • Orders
    ✓ ID, Order Date, Order Status.
  • Coupons
    ✓ Coupon Name, Code, Date, and Expires.
    ✓ Customer Information (Name, Email, Address).cz ✓ Product Price, Quantity, Discount Price, Tax Price, Total Price, Sub Total Price.
  • Other Data
    ✓ Coupons, Reviews.
    ✓ CMS pages, Multiple Languages.

Why Moove WooCommerce to Magento?

Streamline your ecommerce operations and open up new avenues for scalability and customization, empowering your business for future growth.


Optimized Store Performance for Business Growth

Migrating to Magento enhances your site’s performance, directly affecting your store’s speed and efficiency, leading to an improved customer experience and potentially higher sales conversions.


Customization to Match Business

The flexibility of Magento allows for extensive customization, enabling business owners to tailor their ecommerce platform to the specific needs and branding of their business, thus creating a unique shopping experience for customers.


Scalability for Expanding Business Operations

As your business grows, Magento’s scalability ensures that your online store can handle the increasing demand, traffic, and product listings without performance degradation, supporting business expansion seamlessly.


Advanced Security for Customer

Magento provides robust security features, safeguarding your ecommerce store against potential cyber threats. This security builds trust with your customers, a crucial element for business owners in retaining clientele and securing new business.


Comprehensive Data Insights for Strategic Decisions

Magento’s advanced analytics and reporting tools offer business owners in-depth insights into customer behavior and store performance, enabling strategic decision-making that can lead to optimized operations and increased revenue.


Enhanced User Experience to
Drive Sales

With its advanced features, Magento offers a superior user experience, from navigation to checkout, making it easier for customers to purchase, which can directly increase sales and revenue for the business owner.

Migration Options

Automated Data

Effortlessly, the software relocates your content, including text and images, to a new platform.
Pros: Quick, easy to use, and cost-effective.
Cons: Suitable mainly for simple sites, may not transfer all elements flawlessly.
Delivery time: 1 month

Data Migration
Service Package

Specialists facilitate your site’s migration, utilizing a blend of automated and hands-on methods.
Pros: Customizable, tailored to your site’s requirements, guarantees precise migration.
Cons: Pricier and longer duration than automated methods.
Delivery time: up to 3 months

Custom WooCommerce to Magento Migration

Analogous to meticulously organizing each piece, data moves in batches or via specific integrations.
Pros: Offers complete oversight and intact data retention.
Cons: Expensive, demands time and expertise.
Delivery time: up to 5 months

Switch from WooCommerce to Adobe Commerce today

Why to Choose Elogic Commerce for Migration


SEO Optimization Mastery

Our team safeguards your search engine rankings through the migration, by adjusting the website architecture, URLs, and link structures to keep your visitor flow stable.


Zero Data Loss

We ensure a meticulous data migration approach, preventing the loss of vital content, such as text, images, videos, metadata, and SEO configurations.


Seamless Team Adaptation

Our extensive training and support programs guarantee that your team seamlessly transitions to the new platform, maintaining operational efficiency.

Custom Solution Migration

Our migration services are tailored to custom solutions, streamlining the process to eliminate unnecessary expenditures and content rework.

Solve Technical Challenges

With our technical acumen, we ensure a frictionless migration, addressing any compatibility issues with plugins and themes to prevent disruptions.

Uninterrupted Site Operation

Our process is designed to reduce downtime, keeping your website operational and ensuring continuous business activity throughout the migration period.

What Our Clients are Saying

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Alice Fitch Founder & CEO

“You guys are absolutely part of our team, and each of us takes responsibility for our parts in making the magic happen.”

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Virginie De Andrea Digital Communications Specialist

“We can always be in touch. It’s easy to get in touch with you guys, and I think the projects run smoothly”

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Chris Philbrick Marketing Director

“You guys are always a partner who is willing to work through problems with us, and help us identify those problems and find the best solution for it”

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Book your meeting directly

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.


    Other Migration Services We Offer


    How do I export everything from WooCommerce?

    Contact Elogic for your ecommerce migration needs. Share your requirements, and we’ll provide a tailored solution and handle the entire migration process for you.

    What is the typical timeframe for WooCommerce to Magento Switch?

    The migration timeframe can vary depending on the size and complexity of the store, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks.

    What are the main costs involved in migrating from WooCommerce to Magento?

    Costs can include migration tool or service fees, developer fees for custom work, additional hosting or infrastructure costs, and potential costs for new Magento extensions.

    How We Secure Your Data During Migration

    We employ rigorous data migration processes, utilizing secure migration tools that ensure a reliable and error-free transfer of your store’s data, including texts, images, videos, metadata, and SEO settings. Our method involves continuous monitoring and employing advanced security measures to protect against data loss and unauthorized access throughout the migration process.

    What happens to existing customer accounts during WooCommerce to Magento migration?

    Existing customer accounts can be transferred to Magento, allowing customers to log in with their existing credentials post-migration.

    Are WooCommerce plugins compatible with Magento?

    WooCommerce plugins are not directly compatible with Magento, but similar functionalities can often be found or replicated with Magento extensions.

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