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Enzio Manufacturing

Transitioning from legacy store architecture to microservices and revamping ecommerce UX to keep up with digital transformation in the manufacturing industry

enzio enzio

What we did

Ecommerce strategy consulting

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for any B2B manufacturing brand is manual, bulky, costly business operations. Most operational processes of the Client relied heavily on verbal communication, paper, and spreadsheets, which limited the speed and scalability of the manufacturing. The company was ripe for a digital revamp.


After a deep discovery phase and a few weeks of stakeholder interviews, Elogic came up with a manufacturing digital transformation roadmap. The Client has set rather ambitious goals, so the roadmap included the following:

the overview of as-is and to-be states of the business

customer journey map to foster new ecommerce flows

recommended tech solutions that will bring the Client from a non-existent to a mature stage of digital transformation for manufacturing

a step-by-step plan with a WBS (work breakdown structure) and a budget to implement the project


The new digital strategy also suggested replatforming to a new solution and a microservice architecture, with a predicted benefit of generating millions in savings on the total cost of ownership (TCO). The new website on a digital transformation roadmap for manufacturing would be also easier to maintain, while improved UX would favor conversion in the long-term perspective.

commercetools platform implementation

After careful consideration, the Client went for migration from their legacy solution to a next-gen commercetools platform.


The principal obstacle for moving forward was the fact that the customer used a legacy architecture for its store, known to cause problems with scaling. The processes were, in fact, so interconnected that the very employees managing the system often found it intimidating. 


Moving from legacy architecture to microservices was the optimal choice for the Client, who spent millions on paying the license fees and rolling out custom features every time they needed to improve UX. The commercetools MACH (microservice-based, API-first, cloud-native, and headless) architecture allowed for increased flexibility and scalability.

SAP ERP integration

Part of the problem at the start was that the Client’s store data was not syncronized between an ERP and an ecommerce system. As a result, orders could get lost, it was hardly possible to track inventory in real time, and customers would just drop as the system mistakenly displayed items as being out of stock. 


Integrating a new commercetools platform with the SAP ERP system was part of the scope of the project, allowing for clearer management processes. Now the Client has a better view of customers and orders; products display real-time availability data; and invoices and shipping are easily tracked. Needless to say, the overall customer conversion rate and employee productivity increased like never before.

New UI/UX design

Another advantage that came with replatforming was the chance to revamp the website design for improved visibility. Enhanced UI/UX based on customer insights and buyer’s journey built a more intuitive navigation for B2B clients. 


The Client has finally ditched its paper catalogs and implemented an easy-to-use product and catalog page with the correctly designed interface and smart tagging.

Optimized browsing and search

The Client, being a B2B company, made a specific emphasis on how they wanted browsing to work with their industry specifics. Unlike your average consumer searching for a fun T-shirt, the B2B customer does not scroll through goods for leisure; they need optimized search even more than the FMCG buyers.


Thus, new search and browsing features were complemented with AI capacities. The integrated Algolia tool now delivers more relevant search results even if the user types in misspelled or wrong words. The products and prices are also sorted based on customer groups, and registered users can reorder their previously purchased items without searching for the product.

The backstory

Our Client is a German B2B manufacturer, producing sensors for pressure, temperature, and density of gas. During its 30-year history in industrial manufacturing, its main focus is to deliver top-notch services and introduce innovation into the business processes of its customers in more than 65 countries. But as the world of B2B changes, so should the business itself. That’s how the Client decided to go for a complete ecommerce revamp. 


Digital transformation in manufacturing is often hindered by things as simple as low levels of technology adoption within the company itself. Of course, moving forward in a landscape now called Industry 4.0., where everything is interconnected between machinery, data, people, and AI-enhanced workflows, can be intimidating. However, when you see your own employees struggling with productivity and loads of human errors, you know it’s time to change.


The Client’s company executives felt the need to reconsider their approach to ecommerce and manufacturing: digital transformation was unavoidable. After all, these are the agility and tech innovation that gatekeep the ultimate ROI for the manufacturer. When you keep on doing things the exact same way you’ve done it for decades, though, the cap on the maximum extractable value is dangerously visible to the naked eye.


So they opted for Elogic to guide them through the transition while implementing it at the same time.

enzio backstory

Key technologies

We helped the industrial manufacturer streamline ecommerce flows, improving UX and reducing costs

The project took off to be more than was anticipated or hoped for: while the initial goal, as phrased by the client, boiled down to simply making the ecommerce flows manageable, the value brought by the necessary implementations was multi-layered. 


The new digital strategy helped reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) by 25%. A major factor here was also the microservice-based architecture that Elogic picked as the one poised to generate millions in savings.

Eliminating data silos allowed the client to have a 360-degree view of the products, customers, employees, and operational data, turning it into actionable insights. This is one of the greatest perks of proper digital transformation in industrial manufacturing, paving the way for implementing similar interconnections not only in eCommerce but in R&D, logistics, and other areas, as well.


Meanwhile, using Algolia, an AI-driven solution, for search ensured the necessary amount of personalization that B2B requires. This, in turn, was endorsed by a new UI/UX design built based on the buyer journey, to yield a 30% higher conversion rate.


The entire implementation took 6 months, and Elogic is still collaborating with the Client on an ongoing basis to maintain the store.

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.


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