Elogic CommerceServicesBigCommerce to Commercetools Migration

Migrate BigCommerce to Commercetools Effortlessly

Upgrade your business with BigCommerce to Commercetools data transfer. Enjoy advanced features, improved scalability, and seamless integration. Elevate your ecommerce today!

Let’s Discuss Requirements

Our Migration Process

Boost your online shop’s performance and grow your revenue with our comprehensive migration services.

Website Analysis
Our specialists conduct a thorough evaluation of your current shop to uncover any hidden risks or problems, understand the project's extent fully, and suggest improved solutions for features, extensions, and integrations.
Migration Strategy Development
For a seamless migration experience, we establish a definitive strategy, ensuring consensus on particulars and aligning all parties involved. This strategy encompasses project schedules, detailed specifications, and a clear roadmap.
Store Backup
Rest assured about the data security of your store; we perform a complete backup prior to migration, enabling easy restoration and adjustment to changing requirements.
Theme Migration
Direct migration of most themes is not feasible. Therefore, our experts craft a tailored theme to meet your specifications and enhance it for a better user experience and higher conversion rates.
Extension Migration
Our services include a blend of automated and manual data transfer or building a new set of tools from the ground up, ensuring your store retains its functionalities with improved performance on both web and mobile platforms.
Custom Code Migration
We offer services to analyze and refine custom code, maximizing the performance and speed of your store's platform.
Data Migration
Our certified experts handle the migration of all customer, order, product, and configuration data, ensuring compatibility with the new platform, tool installation, and completing your transition.
Quality Assurance
We meticulously test each functionality of your updated website, identify and rectify any issues, guarantee high performance under load, ensure data protection, and ready your store for launch.
Ecommerce Store Launch
Once your site is live, you can immediately begin sales. Consider partnering with us for continuous support and maintenance services to prevent any unforeseen issues.

What Data Can Be Transferred

data transfer
  • Product Data
    ✓ Product catalogs
    ✓ SKUs and variants
    ✓ Product descriptions
    ✓ Pricing information
    ✓ Inventory levels
    ✓ Product images
    ✓ SEO metadata
  • Order Data
    ✓ Order history
    ✓ Payment information
    ✓ Shipping details
    ✓ Order statuses
  • Customer Data
    ✓ Customer profiles
    ✓ Purchase history
    ✓ Loyalty program details
  • Content and CMS Data
    ✓ Blog posts
    ✓ Static pages
    ✓ Media files
    ✓ Custom content blocks
  • Settings and Configuration
    ✓ Store settings
    ✓ Tax settings
    ✓ Shipping configurations
    ✓ Payment gateway setups
  • Reviews and Feedback
    ✓ Customer reviews
    ✓ Product ratings
    ✓ Feedback and testimonials
  • Custom Extensions and Integrations
    ✓ Custom-built extensions
    ✓ Third-party integrations
    ✓ APIs and webhooks
  • Analytical and Reporting Data
    ✓ Sales reports
    ✓ Customer analytics
    ✓ Inventory reports

Benefits of BigCommerce to Commercetools Migration For Your Business

Unlock advanced commerce capabilities and drive growth with Commercetools, transitioning from BigCommerce for enhanced flexibility, performance, and integration.



Commercetools provides superior scalability options compared to BigCommerce, allowing businesses to grow without being constrained by platform limitations.


Cost Efficiency

Although Commercetools might have higher initial costs, its efficient operation and reduced need for custom development can lead to cost savings over time.



Commercetools’ API-first approach enables more flexible and advanced customization options for businesses, allowing for unique customer experiences.


Integration Capabilities

Commercetools allows for seamless integration with other systems and third-party services, enhancing the overall e-commerce ecosystem.


Improved Performance

Migrating to Commercetools can lead to better site performance, with faster load times and a more responsive interface.


Advanced Ecommerce Features

Commercetools offers more sophisticated ecommerce functionalities, including complex product catalogs and dynamic pricing models.

Migration Options

Automated Data

Effortlessly, shift your content (texts, images) onto the new system.
Pros: Quick, easy-to-use, and cost-effective.
Cons: Suited for simple sites, may not transfer all elements accurately.
Delivery time: 1 month.

Data Migration
Service Package

Skilled professionals facilitate your site’s transition, blending automated processes with precise manual work.
Pros: Adaptable, tailored to your site’s requirements, guarantees precise migration.
Cons: Pricier, requires more time than automated methods.
Delivery time: up to 3 months.

Custom BigCommerce to Commercetools Migration

Analogous to meticulously relocating each piece, data shifts in segments or via integrations.
Pros: Ensures complete control and thorough preservation.
Cons: Expensive, demands time and specialist knowledge.
Delivery time: up to 5 months.

Switch from BigCommerce to Commercetools Today

Why to Choose Elogic Commerce for Migration


SEO Optimization Excellence

We maintain your SEO standings through the migration, adjusting the website’s structure, URLs, and internal links to keep your traffic stable.


Absolute Data Integrity

Our meticulous data migration methodology ensures every piece of crucial content, from text and images to videos, metadata, and SEO configurations, is retained without loss.


Effortless Team Transition

We offer extensive training and support, facilitating a swift and effective adaptation of your team to the new platform while preserving operational efficiency.

Tailored Solution Transfer

Our expertise lies in the effective migration of bespoke solutions, with a keen understanding of their intricacies to eliminate superfluous expenses and modifications.

Technical Issue Resolution

We navigate the technical landscape to ensure a seamless migration, preemptively addressing potential glitches and compatibility concerns with plugins and themes.

Continuous Operational Availability

We strive to reduce downtime to the bare minimum, keeping your website operational and ensuring uninterrupted access for users and steady business activity throughout the migration process.

What Our Clients are Saying

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Alice Fitch Founder & CEO

“You guys are absolutely part of our team, and each of us takes responsibility for our parts in making the magic happen.”

Обложка play
Virginie De Andrea Digital Communications Specialist

“We can always be in touch. It’s easy to get in touch with you guys, and I think the projects run smoothly”

Обложка play
Chris Philbrick Marketing Director

“You guys are always a partner who is willing to work through problems with us, and help us identify those problems and find the best solution for it”

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Book your meeting directly

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.



    What post-migration support is available?

    Post-migration, we provide support for troubleshooting, optimization, and further customization to ensure your Commercetools platform performs optimally.

    Can I migrate custom features from BigCommerce to Commercetools?

    Yes, custom features can be migrated, but it may require custom development to replicate functionality in Commercetools, leveraging its flexible API-driven architecture.

    How long does the BigCommerce to Commercetools migration take?

    Migration duration varies based on data volume, complexity, and customization needs. A detailed migration plan is essential for a realistic timeline.

    How We Secure Your Data During Migration

    Data security during migration is ensured through strict protocols including encryption, secure transfer channels, and compliance with international data protection standards. Our comprehensive security approach protects your data against unauthorized access and data breaches.

    Will my online store experience downtime during migration?

    We aim for minimal downtime, often performing migrations during low-traffic periods and ensuring a seamless transition to Commercetools.

    What are the challenges of migrating from BigCommerce to Commercetools?

    Challenges include data compatibility, custom feature replication, and ensuring seamless integration with existing systems, necessitating careful planning and execution.

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