Elogic CommerceServicesShopify to Adobe Commerce Transfer

Smooth Shopify to Adobe Commerce Transfer

Elevate your business with a seamless Shopify to Magento migration. Transfer crucial data like products, customers, and orders securely and accurately. Ensure a smooth ecommerce transition and unlock new growth potentials.

Let’s Discuss Requirements
Shopify to Adobe Commerce migration

Our Migration Process

Elevate your store’s efficiency and boost your profits with our comprehensive migration services.

Site Evaluation
Our specialists conduct a thorough examination of your current store to pinpoint potential risks and obstacles, gain a deep insight into the project's scope, and recommend enhanced options for functionalities, add-ons, and system integrations.
Migration Plan Formulation
For a seamless migration, establishing a consensus on specifics and maintaining alignment among stakeholders, we devise a detailed plan outlining the project's timelines, requirements, and a step-by-step guide.
Store Data Protection
Your store’s data integrity is paramount. Prior to initiating the migration, we execute a complete backup of your store, ensuring you can recover any element and swiftly adapt to changes in requirements.
Theme Transition
Direct theme migration is often not feasible. Our specialists craft a bespoke theme that meets your needs and fine-tune it to enhance customer experience and boost conversion rates.
Add-on Transition
We provide a blend of automated and manual data transfer or develop a new set of tools from the ground up, maintaining your store’s functionalities and boosting its performance on both web and mobile platforms.
Custom Code Transition
Our enhancement services include an analysis and refinement of custom code, empowering your store with improved platform efficiency and speed.
Information Transfer
Our accredited experts handle the transfer of all vital data—customers, orders, products, and store settings—restructuring it to align with the new platform, implementing necessary tools, and finalizing your transition.
Quality Control
We rigorously test each feature of your updated website, identifying and resolving any issues, ensuring robust performance under peak loads, safeguarding data integrity, and readying your store for launch.
Ecommerce Store Deployment
Once live, your website is immediately operational for sales. Partnering with Elogic for continuous support and maintenance services guarantees a stable and emergency-free operation.

What Data Can Be Transferred

  • Products
    ✓ Name, SKU, Full Description, Manufacturer.
    ✓ Price, Special Price.
    ✓ URL, Meta Title, Meta Description.
    ✓ Weight.
    ✓ Product Tags.
    ✓ Variants ( SKU, Weight, Attributes, Quantity, Price, Special Price ).
    ✓ Additional Images.
    ✓ Quantity, Stock Availability, Manage Stock.
  • Categories
    ✓ Name, Description, Status.
    ✓ Image.
    ✓ URL , Meta Title, Meta Description.
  • Manufacturers
    ✓ Name.
  • Taxes
    ✓ Tax Rates ( Country, Percent ), Tax Rules ( Tax Rate ).
  • Customers
    ✓ First Name, Last Name, Email, Newsletter, Created Date.< br> ✓ Billing Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
    ✓ Shipping Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
  • Orders
    ✓ Additional option “Preserve order IDs on the Target Store” should be selected, Order Date, Order Status, Order Products ( Name, SKU, Option ), Product Price, Quantity, SubTotal Price, Discount Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Comments.
    ✓ Customer Name, Email, Billing Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
    ✓ Shipping Address ( First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone ).
  • Coupons
    ✓ Name, Coupon Code, Type Discount, Discount Amount.
  • CMS pages
    ✓ Title, Created Date, URL, Description.

How Shopify to Magento Migration Can Boost Your Business

Maximize Your Business Potential with Adobe`s Advanced Features and Flexibility


Elevate Scalability and Flexibility

Migrating to Magento from Shopify enhances your store’s scalability, handling more traffic and complex operations, and offers extensive customization for unique business needs.


Cost-Effective in the Long Run

Switch to Adobe Commerce to avoid recurring Shopify fees. Magento’s open-source nature can reduce overall costs, providing a more economical choice for growing businesses.


Better Customization and Control

Magento’s open platform allows for deeper customization and control over your ecommerce site, enabling a tailored shopping experience that stands out in the market.


Superior Extension and Integration Options

With thousands of extensions, Adobe Commerce surpasses Shopify in providing diverse functionalities, allowing for a more robust and feature-rich store.


Improved SEO and Marketing Capabilities

Magento’s advanced SEO and marketing tools help improve visibility and drive more organic traffic, boosting your store’s online presence.


Access to a Supportive Community

Benefit from Adobe`s large, active community offering support, insights, and solutions to enhance your ecommerce operations.

Migration Options

Automated Data

Effortlessly, the tool migrates your content (texts, visuals) to a new environment.
Advantages: Quick, easy to use, and cost-effective.
Disadvantages: Best for simple sites, may not transfer every detail flawlessly.
Completion time: 1 month

Data Migration
Service Package

Specialists assist in moving your site, merging automatic methods with hands-on tweaks.
Advantages: Adaptable, tailored to your site’s specifics, guarantees precise migration.
Disadvantages: Pricier and slower compared to automated processes.
Completion time: up to 3 months

Custom Shopify to Adobe Commerce Migration

Analogous to meticulously boxing each object, data is moved systematically or via integrations.
Advantages: Ensures thorough control and complete retention.
Disadvantages: Expensive, time-intensive, and demands expertise.
Completion time: up to 5 months

Switch from Shopify to Adobe Commerce Today

Why to Choose Elogic Commerce for Migration


SEO Ranking Preservation

We safeguard your SEO standings throughout the migration, modifying site architecture, web addresses, and linkages to retain visitor numbers.


Complete Data Retention

Our thorough migration protocol ensures every crucial element, such as text, imagery, videos, metadata, and SEO configurations, remains intact.


Effortless Team Integration

We offer extensive orientation and assistance to guarantee seamless adaptation to the new platform, maintaining your team’s efficiency.

Migration of Customized Solutions

Our expertise lies in transferring bespoke systems effectively, recognizing their functionality to eliminate undue expenses and redevelopments.

Technical Issue Resolution

Our skill in ensuring compatibility facilitates a trouble-free changeover, precluding errors and operational problems with add-ons and designs.

Continuous Website Availability

We reduce downtime to keep your website operational for users and maintain steady business activities throughout the migration process.

What Our Clients are Saying

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Alice Fitch Founder & CEO

“You guys are absolutely part of our team, and each of us takes responsibility for our parts in making the magic happen.”

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Virginie De Andrea Digital Communications Specialist

“We can always be in touch. It’s easy to get in touch with you guys, and I think the projects run smoothly”

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Chris Philbrick Marketing Director

“You guys are always a partner who is willing to work through problems with us, and help us identify those problems and find the best solution for it”

Let’s talk

Whatever concept you have in mind, we have an idea or two on how to implement it within the existing budget and timframe as efficient as possible. Consider us your one-stop, platform-agnostic software partner.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Book your meeting directly

Ready to chat?

Reach out to receive a free consultation and entrust your IT initiative to a company that will help you to manifest your vision and business approach into an evergrowing and adaptable business.



    Are there any risks involved in migrating from Shopify to Adobe Commerce?

    Common risks include data loss, SEO ranking changes, and compatibility issues with themes or plugins. Proper planning, backup, and testing can mitigate these risks.

    Can I migrate my Shopify theme to Magento?

    Direct theme migration is not possible due to platform differences. You’ll need to select a new Adobe theme or develop a custom one to match your brand’s aesthetics.

    What happens to my SEO and customer data during the migration?

    Migrating from Shopify to Adobe Commerce requires attention to SEO to maintain rankings and traffic. Elogic migration service can ensure that customer data is transferred securely and completely, preserving SEO settings and customer records.

    How We Secure Your Data During Migration

    We prioritize the security of your data during the Shopify to Adobe Commerce migration process. This includes encrypted data transfers, rigorous backup procedures before migration, and adherence to data protection standards to prevent loss or unauthorized access.

    How long does it typically take to migrate from Shopify to Magento?

    The timeline can vary based on the store size and complexity, ranging from a few weeks to several months for larger, more complex migrations.

    How can I ensure a smooth Shopify to Magento migration?

    Planning and using reliable migration tools or services like Elogic or hiring professional Magento developers can ensure a smooth transition, minimizing downtime and data loss.

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