All About Hyva Theme for Magento 2: Is It Worth It?

Magento extension reviews
21mid read September 3, 2024
Magento extension reviews
An Ultimate Guide to Hyva Theme for Magento 2

Managing a Magento store shouldn’t feel like a constant uphill battle, but for many, it does. If you’re tired of dealing with performance issues and overwhelming complexity, it’s time to consider a better option that’s taking the ecommerce web development market by storm: Hyva Theme.

Hyva is a fast, efficient theme built for Magento 2, designed to simplify your store’s frontend without sacrificing power. But what is Hyva really about, and can it solve the headaches you’re dealing with?

As a Hyva Bronze partner, Elogic has helped many ecommerce businesses with Magento 2 Hyva theme development and seen how it can transform their stores. 

In this article, we’ll cut through the noise and give you a clear, straightforward look at what Hyva offers and whether it’s the right fit for you. 

What Is Hyva Theme for Magento 2?

Hyva Theme for Magento 2 is a front-end framework launched in 2021 that’s quickly becoming a go-to choice for both small businesses and large enterprises. It’s designed to make your Magento store faster, simpler, and more efficient, without reinventing the wheel.

The team behind Hyvä themes wasn’t looking to start a revolution in ecommerce. As John Hughes of Hyva explained at Meet Magento UK 2024, “Nobody asked for a revolution in ecommerce. We’re not trying to provide one. We’re evolutionary. We’re trying to work with what already works well in Magento and just fix the things that don’t.”

Screenshot of the default Hyvä Theme demo site
The Hyvä theme demo website

Hyvä theme does just that by focusing on speed, simplicity, and performance. It eliminates the complexity and bloat associated with Magento’s default front-end, using modern technologies like Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js. These tools make Hyva lightweight and significantly faster than traditional Magento themes, resulting in quicker page load times, an improved user experience, and better search engine rankings.

Hyva Theme for Magento 2 commerce website features
Features of a Magento 2 ecommerce website built with Hyva Themes

This framework will work best for Magento merchants looking to enhance their store performance, simplify frontend development, and reduce maintenance overhead. 

Whether you’re running a small shop or a large ecommerce platform, Hyva offers a clean, responsive design that works seamlessly across all devices.

Core Hyva Theme Features & Benefits

Hyva, which is Finnish for “good, desirable, and trustworthy,” lives up to its name by offering a range of features designed to make your Magento store faster, simpler, and more efficient. 

Here’s a look at the key features that make Magento 2 Hyva theme a standout choice:

  • Lightweight architecture: A minimal codebase that prioritizes speed and efficiency.
  • Modular architecture: Designed with a modular approach, allowing for easy management and scaling of individual components.
  • Tailwind CSS integration: Built with Tailwind CSS, a utility-first framework that simplifies styling and design.
  • Customizable design system: Provides extensive options for theme customization and branding.
  • Alpine.js for interactivity: Uses Alpine.js, a modern JavaScript framework for handling frontend interactivity.
  • Simplified development workflow: Offers a straightforward approach to front-end development with fewer dependencies like the dependency on JavaScript.
  • Responsive design framework: Ensures compatibility with a wide range of devices and screen sizes.
  • Magento 2 compatibility: Fully compatible with Magento 2’s features and extensions.
  • Active development community: Hyva themes are supported by an active community and frequent updates.

The aforementioned Hyvä Magento theme features are linked to several key benefits both web developers and store owners enjoy when they choose to work with this framework. 

Reduced complexity

Reduced complexity of Magento Hyvä theme means:
For developersFor merchants
Simplified codingStreamlined styling Flexible framework optionsCost-savingsFewer long-term issues

Hyva Theme makes life easier for developers by reducing the complexity of Magento frontend development. It replaces the bulky Knockout JS and jQuery with Alpine JS, a lightweight framework that simplifies coding and cuts down on unnecessary JavaScript. This means less code to manage, fewer headaches, and faster development.

Additionally, Hyva uses Tailwind CSS instead of the Magento CSS compiler, streamlining the styling process and eliminating the excess CSS that can bog down a project. For developers, this means a cleaner, more manageable codebase and quicker customization.

If Alpine JS isn’t the right fit, Hyva’s flexibility allows developers to easily integrate modern frameworks like Vue.js, making it even simpler to create dynamic, responsive interfaces. 

For merchants, Hyva Theme’s reduced complexity translates to more affordable development, especially if you’re hiring freelancers or paying developers by the project or hour. With its simpler, more efficient code, developers can get your store up and running faster, resulting in fewer billable hours and a lower overall project cost.

Besides, less complexity also means fewer issues down the road. With a cleaner, more efficient codebase, there’s a lower chance of bugs, performance problems, or costly maintenance needs.

BenefitFor DevelopersFor Merchants
Simplified codebaseEasier to write, manage, and maintain code.Lower development costs due to quicker and more efficient coding.
Fewer dependenciesLess reliance on bulky, outdated frameworks.Reduces the chance of compatibility issues, leading to smoother operations.
Flexibility with modern frameworksEasy integration with frameworks like Vue.js.Ability to create dynamic, customized features without extra costs.
Less time on troubleshootingReduces the need to fix bugs and performance issues.Fewer delays and lower maintenance costs, leading to more reliable operations.
Streamlined customizationQuicker and easier to tailor the theme to specific needs.Faster implementation of new features or design changes, keeping your store up-to-date.
Lower long-term maintenanceEasier updates and fewer issues over time.Less ongoing maintenance, freeing up resources to focus on business growth.

Better performance

Better performance of Magento Hyvä theme means:
For developersFor merchants
Less time spent on optimizationFewer headaches with troubleshootingHigher satisfaction from stakeholdersImproved search engine rankingsEnhanced customer experienceFaster loading times

Hyva theme for Magento 2 is all about speed. It cuts page load times by up to 50%, and websites built with Hyva often score over 90 on Google Lighthouse. In fact, by default, Magento Hyva sites score around 100/100 on Google PageSpeed and pass Core Web Vitals across all metrics. 
As of May 2024, 45% of live Magento Hyvä sites were passing Google’s Core Web Vitals—a big leap compared to other Magento-based solutions. This means faster Magento 2 websites, better user experiences, and higher search engine rankings.

Core Web Vitals Assessment of a Magento 2 Hyva Theme ecommerce store
Core Web Vitals Assessment of a Magento 2 Hyva Theme ecommerce store

Hyva delivers these performance gains through smart optimizations:

  • Efficient code structure: Hyva trims the fat, reducing unnecessary code to ensure your site runs lean and fast.
  • Lazy loading: Images and scripts load as users scroll, cutting down on initial load times and keeping your site snappy.
  • Minimized HTTP requests & reduced CSS/JS: By minimizing requests and streamlining CSS and JavaScript, Hyva ensures faster loading pages.
  • Efficient caching: Static assets are stored locally, so your site loads quickly even during peak traffic.

Fordevelopers, Hyva’s performance focus means less time wrestling with slow-loading sites. The built-in optimizations of Hyva Magento 2 like lazy loading and minimized HTTP requests, allows delivering fast, high-performing websites without having to build complex custom solutions. This not only speeds up your work but also cuts down on errors and performance headaches, making the whole process smoother from start to finish.

A graph showing the % of origins having good Core Web Vitals
Caption: Hyva Themes has the highest percentage of sites with good CWV, Source

For merchants, the payoff is even bigger. Faster loading times keep customers on your site longer, leading to more sales and fewer bounces. The high Google Lighthouse scores and Core Web Vitals compliance also boost your search engine rankings, driving more traffic to your store. Plus, a smoother browsing experience means happier customers who are more likely to return. In short, Hyva’s performance enhancements help you make more money with less effort.

BenefitFor DevelopersFor Merchants
Faster developmentLess time spent optimizing and troubleshooting slow sites.Quicker store launch, allowing you to start selling sooner.
Lazy loadingBuilt-in optimization that speeds up page load times.Improves customer experience, leading to higher conversions.
Minimized HTTP requestsReduces the need for extensive custom solutions.Faster site performance, resulting in reduced bounce rates.
Efficient cachingEnsures consistent performance even under heavy traffic.Reliable site operation, boosting customer satisfaction.
High Google PageSpeed scoresLess need for performance tweaks, saving development time.Better search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic.
Core Web Vitals complianceAutomatically meets important performance benchmarks.Increased visibility and credibility with search engines.

Faster time to market

Faster time to market of Magento Hyvä theme means:
For developersFor merchants
Quicker project completionStreamlined workflowIncreased productivityFaster website launchMore focus on business goalsCost efficiency

Because Hyva is built with familiar PHP frameworks and integrates seamlessly with Magento, developers can jump into projects without a steep learning curve. This familiarity cuts development time by 30 to 50% compared to using default Magento themes or PWA solutions.

Hyva’s modular architecture is another game-changer. Developers can build components separately and reuse code across different projects, which streamlines the workflow. Instead of getting stuck in the weeds with technical details and dependencies, developers can focus on creating features and fine-tuning the store’s architecture. 

For store owners, Hyva’s faster development means you can launch your website sooner, allowing you to start selling as soon as possible. This is crucial in competitive markets where timing makes all the difference.

Since developers spend less time on the technical details and more on the overall business logic, your store not only goes live quickly but is also perfectly aligned with your business goals.

BenefitFor DevelopersFor Merchants
Quicker development cyclesReduced time needed to deliver a fully functional store due to Hyva’s familiarity with PHP and Magento.Faster website launch, allowing you to start selling and generating revenue sooner.
Modular architectureAbility to develop components separately and reuse code across projects, streamlining workflow.
Minimized HTTP requestsMore time to focus on important aspects like features and architecture instead of technical hurdles.Ensures your store is tailored to meet your business goals while still launching quickly.

Easy integration

Easy integration of Magento Hyvä theme means:
For developersFor merchants
Quick feature additionEfficient customization and scalingAccess to an ever-growing toolboxEnhanced store functionalityScalabilityCompetitive advantage

Hyva theme is built to easily connect with a wide range of Magento extensions. Whether you’re using popular extensions like Plumrocket, ExtendWare, Webkul, or Amasty, Hyva lets you add new features to your store without any hassle.
What’s more, Hyva’s support for extensions is expanding rapidly, with a 150% YoY supported extensions arsenal growth. It also supports microservice architecture, giving you the flexibility to optimize and scale your ecommerce operations as your business grows.

An image showing the most notable Magento 2 Hyva Theme extensions among the 1000+ currently supported
Hyvä Magento 2 Theme currently supports over 1000 extensions and the number continues to grow; Source: Hyvä.

Hyva’s extensive integration options allow developers to add new features without worrying about compatibility issues. Support of microservice architecture makes it easier to customize and scale stores, making the development process smoother and faster. Plus, with Hyva’s growing ecosystem, developers have more tools to create powerful, customized ecommerce solutions with less effort.

At the same time, Hyva’s easy integration with an array of Magento extensions means merchants can quickly meet specific customer demands and scale operations. With Hyva’s expanding support for new tools and technologies, merchants can keep their stores competitive and up-to-date in a rapidly changing market.

BenefitFor DevelopersFor Merchants
Seamless extension integrationEasily add features with a wide range of Magento extensions.Enhance store capabilities quickly to meet business needs.
Flexibility with Microservice architectureSimplifies customization and scaling for agile development.Easily scale operations as your business grows.
Expanding ecosystemAccess a growing array of extensions for powerful solutions.Continuously upgrade your store with the latest tools.
Faster developmentStreamlined process reduces time and effort.Quickly implement new features to stay competitive.
Fewer technical challengesSmoother integration with fewer issues.More reliable store operations and better user experience.

Extensive support

Hyva theme goes beyond performance and integration with rock-solid support that makes life easier for both developers and merchants. With a thriving Slack community of over 5,000 members in 2024, you’re never far from the help you need.

For developers, Hyva offers a wealth of shared knowledge, turning tricky problems into simple fixes.

For merchants, Hyva’s reliable support means fewer headaches, so you can concentrate on running and growing your business without the usual stress.

How Does Hyva Theme Compare to Other Front-End Alternatives?

When considering a front-end framework for your Magento store, it’s natural to feel hesitant about choosing something relatively new like Hyva Theme. With less information available and fewer years on the market compared to its more established counterparts, you might wonder if it’s worth the switch.

But here’s the thing—Hyva has quickly proven itself to be a serious contender. In just three years, it’s already outranked big-name competitors like CommerceTools, PWA Studio, osCommerce, and Oracle Commerce. As of 2024, Hyva is ranked 23rd among global ecommerce technologies used by the top 1 million ecommerce stores on

Distribution of frameworks per site rank that show Magento 2, Hyva, Vue SF, and PWA Studio
The number of high-ranking ecommerce sites built with Hyva continues to grow. Source

So, how does Hyva stack up against the older, more familiar options like Luma, PWA, and SPA? 

Here’s a comparison table for you to see the pros and cons of Hyva in relation to other front-end solutions:

Feature/AspectHyva ThemeLumaPWASPA
Performance Optimized for speed; minimal dependencies, faster load times.Slower, outdated technologies, heavier codebase.High performance but can be resource-intensive.High performance with fast interactions, but can be slower on the first load.
Ease of developmentSimplified development process with modern frameworks like Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.More challenging and time-consuming due to its older architecture.Requires more advanced development skills, particularly in JavaScript.Requires strong JavaScript skills and more complex setup.
CustomizationHighly customizable with a modular architecture.Customization is more complex and less flexible.Customizable, but requires more complex development.Highly customizable, but requires more effort and advanced skills.
SEO & Core Web VitalsTypically scores 100/100 on Google PageSpeed and passes Core Web Vitals easily.Often requires additional optimization to meet SEO and Core Web Vitals standards.Generally good for SEO, but Core Web Vitals can be more challenging to optimize.SEO can be challenging, especially with client-side rendering.
Community supportGrowing community with active support channels like Slack.Larger, but more fragmented community.Established community with a wide range of resources.Well-established community, but more technical expertise required.
Time to marketFaster due to reduced complexity and efficient architecture.Slower, due to its heavier and more outdated codebase.Typically slower due to the complexity of PWA development.Slower due to the complexity and custom development required.

Big Stores Using Hyva Theme

As Hyva theme continues to gain traction, it’s not just startups that are taking notice—big ecommerce businesses with complex needs are also making the switch. 

In 2024, over 3,800 websites are powered by Hyva, including 645 in the US alone. The rapid adoption of Hyva, with an 88% year-over-year growth, highlights its reliability and ability to meet the demands of large, dynamic online stores. 

The graph showing Hyva Themes usage and the number of Hyva Magento 2 ecommerce websites live
The number of ecommerce sites using Hyva Themes continues to grow. Source

Let’s take a look at some of the big players who are leveraging Hyva to power their ecommerce platforms.


Dunkin’ was ready for something big—a leap from a simple online catalog to a full-fledged ecommerce site that could bring their beloved donuts and coffee directly to customers across the UK. But they needed a platform that could keep up with their iconic brand. 

Enter Hyva.

A screenshot of a product page on the Dunkin’ Magento 2 Hyva ecommerce store
Magento 2 Hyva Dunkin’ store

In just one month, Dunkin’ had a sleek, fast, and responsive website built to match the world-famous branding while delivering lightning-fast page loads. The result? Traffic jumped by 6.1%, engagement skyrocketed by 38.5%, and time spent on the site shot up by a whopping 80%.

The aftermath of Dunkin building an ecommerce website using Hyva Themes
Hyva Themes brought a well-needed revamp for the UK branch of Dunkin’ online; Source: Hyva

Plus, SEO issues were wiped out, setting the stage for future growth. With Hyva, Dunkin’ can now sell directly to UK customers, moving beyond third-party apps and taking control of their online sales. Developers loved the simplicity and ease of customization, making this project a win all around.

JC Electronics

JC Electronics, a major B2B player, needed more than just a website—they needed speed and efficiency in a complex sales environment. Their old Luma theme was slowing them down, frustrating customers with long load times.

A screenshot of the Magento 2 Hyva Theme B2B website
JC Electronics is a large B2B business that uses Magento 2 Hyva Theme to power their online store

Switching to Hyva brought the desired results. Product pages loaded 4.5 times faster, and checkout was nearly six times quicker—critical for a business where time is money. Integrating their custom modules into Hyva, especially in the checkout process, took some creativity, but the result was a smoother, more maintainable platform.

The results of JC Electronics switching to a Magento 2 Hyva Theme website
The results of JC Electronics switching to a Magento 2 Hyva Theme website

With the European Accessibility Act looming, JC Electronics is now ahead of the game. Hyva’s built-in compliance features mean they’re ready for the future, saving them time, money, and a lot of hassle. Hyva didn’t just upgrade their site; it future-proofed their business.


Butterfly, a trendy Japanese clothing store, needed a website that could elegantly handle the complexities of configurable products—think multiple sizes, colors, and styles for every item. Their old system just couldn’t keep up, leaving customers frustrated as they tried to navigate options.

Product customization option on the Magento 2 Hyva Theme ecommerce website
Butterfly required a website that allowed customers to customize their products

Hyva stepped in and transformed the shopping experience. Now, whether a customer is looking for the perfect size or the exact shade, Hyva’s robust framework made selecting and customizing options effortless. The transition wasn’t just about speed; it was about making the shopping journey as intuitive and enjoyable as possible.

How Long Does a Hyvä Build or Migration Take?

For Magento developers, getting up to speed with Hyva is fairly straightforward. The only new technologies you’ll need to learn are Alpine JS and TailwindCSS, both of which have plenty of resources available online. 

Depending on the complexity of the project, a Hyva build or migration can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 8 months. 

Several key factors influence the timeline for building a Hyva Magento ecommerce site:

  • Project scope: The size and complexity of the site, including the number of products and custom features.
  • Design customization: The extent of design and branding customization required.
  • Integrations: Complexity of integrating third-party services and extensions.
  • Content migration: Volume and complexity of data being migrated.
  • Infrastructure setup: Time needed to set up servers, hosting, and security.
  • Testing: Thorough testing and bug fixing to ensure site functionality.
  • Developer experience: The team’s familiarity with Hyva, Alpine JS, and TailwindCSS.
  • Client revisions: Time spent on gathering feedback and making changes.
  • Compliance requirements: Meeting legal or industry regulations, such as accessibility standards.

At Elogic, when clients ask about building a Magento 2 Hyva website from scratch or migrating an existing one, we typically estimate the timeline like this:

estimate the timeline

How Do I Integrate Hyva Theme With a Magento Store?

Step 1: Carry out preliminary preparations

To successfully integrate Hyva Theme with your Magento store, start by evaluating your current setup:

  • Analyze your existing codebase to identify potential migration issues
  • Review your database structure to ensure compatibility with Hyva
  • Check the compatibility of your current Magento modules with Hyva theme
  • Outline the specific tasks and requirements needed for a smooth transition

At this point, if your website’s design feels outdated, it’s a good time to create a new, modern design that aligns with current market trends and your specific business needs.

Step 2: Set up the infrastructure

Before making big changes to your Magento 2 store, be sure to back up your entire site, including the database and all files. This way, you’re protected if anything goes wrong during the update.

Once you back up the store, ensure  your server meets the following requirements for Hyva to run effectively on Magento 2:

  • PHP Version: Use PHP 7.4 or higher
  • Database: MariaDB or MySQL 5.7+ with HTTPS enabled
  • Search Engine: Elasticsearch 7.6+ (required for Magento 2.4)
  • Caching: Implement Varnish 6.0+
  • Memory: Ensure the server has at least 2GB of RAM
  • Dependency management: Install Composer for managing PHP dependencies
  • Server software: Use Apache 2.4 or nginx 1.x
  • Environment setup: Set up a local environment using Docker for consistent development

Step 3: Develop your Hyva Theme Magento 2 ecommerce store

Ready to bring your Hyva Theme Magento 2 store to life? Let’s walk through the steps to get everything up and running smoothly.

  1. Install Magento 2: Download and install the latest Magento 2 version from the official site, following the Magento installation guide.
  2. Purchase and download Hyva Theme: Get your Hyva Theme license from or an authorized vendor, then download the theme.
  3. Access Hyva repositories: Visit to access necessary repositories for theme installation.
  4. Install Hyva via Composer: Use Composer to install the Hyva theme and additional modules from GitLab.
  5. Activate the Hyva Theme: In Magento, navigate to Content >> Design >> Configuration, select the hyva/default theme, and save. Clear the cache if you’re in developer mode.
  6. Fine-tune theme settings: Adjust settings to fit your needs, including language, currency, and payment options.
  7. Migrate data: Transfer essential data, such as custom CSS files, widgets, and CMS pages.
  8. Customize the store’s UI: Personalize the header, footer, category pages, product pages, and checkout experience to reflect your brand’s identity.

For detailed instructions, refer to the official documentation

Without proper coding skills, the migration process, however logical and broken down into manageable steps, can look intimidating. But you don’t have to go through it alone. Reach out to us at Elogic! Our team of skilled developers is always there to handle Hyva Theme Magento 2 store migration for you.

Step 4: Make third-party modules work with your new Hyva Theme

To make sure your third-party Magento modules play nice with Hyva, you need to install and enable compatibility models. You can use Composer or upload them manually—whichever works best for you.

If any modules don’t fit with Hyva, you’ll need to either upgrade them or do a bit of customization to get them to work smoothly.

Take a quick look at Hyva’s GitLab before you dive into customizations. You might find compatibility modules already available, saving you some time and effort.

Step 5: Optimize your Magento 2 Hyva Theme website’s performance

To ensure your Hyva Theme website runs at peak performance, a few key optimizations can make a big difference. 

Start by compressing your images—this reduces file sizes, helping your pages load faster without sacrificing visual quality. 

Next, focus on code and script minification by condensing your CSS and JavaScript files; trimming the unnecessary bits can significantly speed up loading times. 

Finally, configure caching settings to boost your site’s efficiency, ensuring that pages load quickly for every visitor. 

Step 6: Test your Hyva Theme Magento 2 website and fix bugs

Before you hit the launch button, give your Hyva Theme Magento 2 website a thorough test drive. 

Check how it performs across different browsers—nobody wants a site that only works on Chrome. Then, make sure your design looks and functions smoothly on all devices, from big desktop screens to tiny smartphone displays. 

Finally, run through all the site’s features to ensure everything is working as it should. If you spot any bugs, now’s the time to fix them so your site runs perfectly when it goes live.

Step 7: Go live

You’ve made it! Now it’s time to launch your Hyva Theme Magento 2 website. 

Before you officially go live, make sure to manage your URL redirects to maintain SEO rankings and ensure a smooth transition for your users. Once your site is live, keep a close eye on post-migration performance to catch any issues early and make adjustments as needed. 

With everything in place, your new Hyva-powered store is ready to impress your customers!


As you consider the best front-end solution for your Magento store, Hyva offers a compelling alternative to more traditional or complex options. Its streamlined approach can tackle many of the pain points that developers and merchants face—whether it’s the steep learning curve of building SPAs, the complexities of the Magento stack, or the cost overheads.

What sets Hyva apart is its simplicity and efficiency. Hyva works seamlessly with the entire Magento ecosystem and doesn’t break the bank. It takes away the tech complexity and still meets your business needs.
At Elogic, we’ve seen firsthand how Hyva can transform ecommerce sites across different industries like consumer electronics and apparel and fashion for the better. With our expertise in advising businesses, we can help you determine if Hyva is the right choice for your store. If you’re ready to take the next step or want to learn more, reach out to us for consulting services. We’re here to guide you toward the best solution for your unique needs.

Improve customer experience and boost conversions with a lightning-fast Hyva Theme Magento 2 site!

Contact Elogic Hyvä theme experts for a free consultation.

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Hyva Theme FAQs

Does Hyva Theme work with B2B ecommerce?

Absolutely! Hyva Theme is a perfect fit for B2B ecommerce. Its lightweight architecture and top-tier performance make it ideal for managing the complex product configurations and bulk orders that are common in B2B settings. 

Hyva seamlessly integrates with a wide range of Magento extensions, allowing you to easily implement crucial features like customer-specific pricing, advanced quoting systems, and detailed product catalogs. Besides, Hyva’s flexibility ensures it can meet the unique demands of B2B customers, delivering a smooth and efficient purchasing experience.

What are some main challenges or bottlenecks while migrating to the Hyva theme?

Migrating to the Hyva theme can be rewarding, but there are a few challenges to keep in mind. A key issue is integrating custom modules, especially if they were built for Magento’s default Luma theme. These modules may need significant adjustments to work smoothly with Hyva’s architecture. Another challenge is optimizing the checkout process, particularly if you’re using custom checkout extensions that weren’t initially designed for Hyva. 

Additionally, developers who are new to Alpine JS and TailwindCSS, which are central to Hyva, might face a learning curve. However, with a clear migration plan and the right development expertise, these challenges are manageable.

Do I need to hire a dev team or can I migrate to Hyva Theme alone?

You can technically migrate to Hyva Theme on your own, but it might be a challenge if you’re not well-versed in Magento’s architecture or the specific technologies Hyva uses. A pro team can handle the tricky parts like integrating custom modules, optimizing checkout, and fine-tuning performance, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal hiccups. They can also troubleshoot any issues during migration and offer support after launch. 

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