What Does an Ecommerce Agency Do and How to Choose One?

Ecommerce marketing
16mid read September 3, 2024
Ecommerce marketing
Choosing the Right Ecommerce Agency: A Comprehensive Guide

Hiring an ecommerce agency is an important step in any business journey. You’ve already started selling online and have taken care of a product catalog, order fulfillment, and basic marketing. Now it’s time to get down to tech. 

But let’s be honest: we’ve all heard so many horror stories you’d have to think twice before turning to a full-service ecommerce agency.  

Ecommerce projects that spiraled out of control. 

Tech partners who vanished in the middle of the project. 

Budgets that skyrocketed without any warning signs. 

The risk is always there.

Elogic has been helping businesses design and build scalable online storefronts since 2009. We’ve helped our clients start from scratch, picked up projects where the previous vendor didn’t hit the mark, and pivoted where the client needed it most. And we know how important it is to choose the right ecommerce agency. 

Read on to learn what an ecommerce agency does, why you might need to partner with one, and how to make the right hire for your project success.

Short on time? No worries. Check out this quick video on hiring an ecommerce expert

Why Hire an Ecommerce Agency?

If there’s one thing that unites all beginner ecommerce managers and store owners, it’s this: you have no time to manage it all. You need to focus on running your business instead of completing tedious tasks on website building or marketing. 

Read more: The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing Ecommerce Development: Risky or Worth It? 

According to Deloitte Global Shared Services and Outsourcing Survey, finance, HR, and IT are the most predominant outsourced functions across all industries.

what functions are most commonly outsourced to agencies and-global business-services
Source: Deloitte Global Shared Services and Outsourcing Survey

Whether you’re opening your first store or trying to bounce back from past mistakes, a digital ecommerce agency brings the know-how and help you need. Here’s why bringing in the experts is a smart choice:

Access specialized knowledge

Ecommerce agency services offer a team of specialists—developers, designers, strategists—all with deep expertise in their field. Picture having access to pros who’ve tackled everything from sleek front-end designs to complex back-end setups, all customized for your industry.

For example, when Elogic teamed up with the Global Mother & Kid Marketplace, we didn’t just build a site. We crafted a powerful, scalable platform designed specifically for the needs of moms and kids. With the right agency, you get unmatched expertise, something that’s tough to find with just one hire, especially if you’re running a small to mid-sized business.

Focus on core business

Running an ecommerce business is like juggling multiple tasks—inventory, customer service, and more. Getting tangled up in technical details can make you lose focus on what truly drives your growth.

By hiring an ecommerce agency, you reclaim your time and concentrate on what you do best: expanding your business.

Research shows that 52% of small businesses regularly turn to a professional agency to handle IT, marketing, and design tasks. Rather than prioritizing cost-cutting measures, they want to lean into their core business even in the face of the recession. 

top small business objectives in 2023
Source: Small Business Outsourcing Primed to Boom, by Clutch

Take Whola, a B2B fashion marketplace. They had a lot of technical debt from their original build that prevented their business from scaling. Elogic stepped up to fix the technical issues while providing stress-free, transparent communication, so the Whola team could focus on market expansion and enhancing customer relationships.

Get an outside perspective

Being deeply immersed in a project can sometimes make it hard to see the bigger picture. When you’re too close to the details, it’s easy to miss opportunities or overlook persistent challenges.

Bringing in an ecommerce agency provides a fresh perspective and a wealth of experience. For instance, when Elogic worked with CLE, we didn’t just handle technical aspects; we introduced new insights that refined their ecommerce strategy. This led to a smoother user experience and higher conversion rates.

An external team can often spot inefficiencies or areas of improvement that you might overlook because they aren’t caught up in your daily operations. You can hire a consultant who will step back, view the entire landscape, and guide you toward more informed decisions. 

Anticipate and solve problems proactively

Waiting for problems to crop up can be costly in ecommerce. What if you had a team that spotted and tackled issues before they even emerged?

This is where a proactive ecommerce agency makes a difference. Take our work with Solotop. Instead of just meeting the project goals, we completed the work 2.5 times faster than expected.

We reused elements from a previous project, saving both time and money. Imagine the relief of knowing your project is on track and optimized from the start. This approach not only speeds up your timeline but also builds on past successes, letting you move forward with confidence.

Save money

How much does it cost to hire someone to build an ecommerce website? Building an ecommerce website can come with a hefty price tag, especially when you think about the cost of assembling an in-house team. Salaries, benefits, and training quickly add up. For instance, hiring a mid-level developer in the U.S. can set you back between $80,000 and $100,000 a year.

mid level development salary

Now, multiply that by all the roles you need to cover your ecommerce platform.

The Deloitte survey shows that 70% of executives indicated cost was a primary reason for outsourcing, making it a compelling strategy for businesses of all sizes.

On the flip side, teaming up with an ecommerce agency can be a much more cost-effective choice. You tap into top-notch talent without the burden of full-time salaries and benefits. 

Read more: How Much Ecommerce Website Costs: Set the Right Budget for Your Project 

Agencies provide flexible pricing options, from fixed costs to hourly rates or retainers. This means you can pick a plan that suits your budget.

Think about the benefits of expert support without breaking the bank. It’s worth considering an approach that gives you skilled professionals while keeping expenses under control.

When Is the Right Time to Hire an Ecommerce Agency?

Running an ecommerce business is like riding a roller coaster. It’s full of twists, turns, and moments that can make or break your success. 

When should you call in the experts? Here’s how to hire an ecommerce expert and when to do it: 

You’re scaling your business

Scaling brings excitement, but it can also feel overwhelming. Your small team that once managed everything now seems stretched to the limit.

You might be struggling with a flood of customers, orders, and expectations. Maybe your ecommerce platform, which was perfect at first, now feels like it’s bursting at the seams. It can’t keep up with the surge in traffic and transactions.

This is a clear sign that a DIY approach won’t cut it anymore. An ecommerce agency steps in to help you scale without breaking a sweat.

They’ll dive into your current setup, pinpoint what’s slowing you down, and roll out solutions to make sure your platform grows with your business.

Picture a robust, adaptable system ready for anything—whether you’re doubling your product lines or exploring new markets. Don’t wait until everything starts to crumble. If you’re feeling the strain, it’s time to bring in the pros who can help you expand smoothly and sustainably.

You’re launching a new product

Launching a new product means putting your heart and soul into it, hoping for a big “yes” from your customers. If your current setup can’t handle the excitement and potential demand, you need to be prepared. 

Having the right tools ensures a smooth launch. Your website must be ready to handle a sudden surge in traffic. Your checkout process should keep up with a wave of eager customers.

Read more: A Complete Guide to Replatforming Ecommerce Websites: Signs, Steps, Examples, and More

An ecommerce agency helps you prepare for every aspect of the launch. They optimize your product pages and set up marketing automation to capture every lead.

Think of it as having a launch partner who is as invested in your success as you are. They help you avoid common pitfalls and set you up for a launch that surpasses your expectations.

You don’t have tech skills in-house

Not every business has the luxury of a dedicated tech team. Maybe you’re a small business with just a few employees, or your team is absorbed in sales and customer service, leaving little room for tech development. 
Besides reducing expenses and scaling businesses, filling skill gaps is a great benefit to businesses of all sizes. In fact, the Clutch survey pinpoints that these perks are the product of each other: by outsourcing business activities to agencies, companies can expand into new focus areas that they have no expertise in and avoid the incurring costs of hiring, onboarding, and training new team members. 

top three motivations for outsourcing business tasks
Source: Small Business Outsourcing Primed to Boom, by Clutch

An ecommerce agency steps in to ease your burden in the same way. They offer the technical skills you need without the cost of hiring full-time staff. 

Whether it’s building a custom feature, integrating third-party tools, or ensuring your site runs smoothly, an agency bridges the tech gap and provides peace of mind. Instead of wrestling with code or constant website problems, you can focus on what you do best—running your business.

You see a decline in sales and conversion rates

Watching your sales and conversion rates slowly decline is frustrating, especially when you can’t pinpoint the cause. Your checkout is slow, customers might be abandoning their carts, and marketing efforts might not be delivering the results they once did.

These are clear signs that something isn’t working as it should. An ecommerce agency steps in to diagnose the issue, whether it’s a user experience problem, a technical glitch, or an outdated ecommerce strategy.

What Happens If You Need to Switch Your Vendor?

Switching ecommerce vendors can be stressful, but sometimes it’s the right move. 

If you find yourself in this situation, whether you’re starting over or continuing where you left off, here’s how to navigate the change smoothly and ensure you find a partner who meets your needs.

Evaluate the situation

Before you make a move, take a moment to assess whether switching vendors is truly necessary. Ask yourself: can anything still work with your current setup?

Sometimes, a candid chat with your existing vendor can clear up confusion or resolve problems. Better communication and a revised plan might realign the project.

If you’ve tried everything and the project remains stuck, exploring new options is the next step. A thorough evaluation can save you from making hasty decisions that don’t address the real issues.

Calculate the cost

Switching vendors isn’t just about the money. It’s also about the time, effort, and potential disruption to your business.

Consider the costs of bringing a new agency on board and any delays in your project. Starting from scratch might cost more than continuing with your current vendor.

Weigh these factors carefully. Sometimes, the initial costs of switching are outweighed by long-term benefits. A capable partner might get your project back on track.

Reflect on your role

Think about how you might have contributed to the problems with your previous vendor. Were there miscommunications or unrealistic expectations?

Understanding your part in the breakdown can help you avoid similar issues with a new agency. Learning from past experiences prepares you to set clear expectations and communicate effectively in future partnerships.

Addressing Concerns After a Bad Experience With an Agency

Clear communication and expectations

Clear, open communication is crucial when shifting to a new agency. Begin by discussing the specific issues you faced with your previous vendor. Be sure to articulate your needs, goals, and expectations with the new agency.

This approach sets a solid foundation for your new partnership and helps avoid repeating past mistakes. Clearly define your project scope, deadlines, and deliverables to ensure everyone is on the same page from the beginning.

Research and due diligence

Don’t leap into a new partnership without doing your homework. Spend time researching potential agencies thoroughly. Dive into reviews, case studies, and client testimonials to gauge their reputation and performance.

Read more: How to Choose the Right Magento Solution Partner: 10 Key Considerations  

Thorough due diligence helps you choose a partner with a proven track record, avoiding the pitfalls of previous experiences. For instance, studying detailed case studies reveals how well the agency handles projects like yours and whether they consistently deliver successful outcomes.

Trial periods and pilot projects

Consider starting with a smaller pilot project before committing to a long-term contract. This test run allows you to evaluate the new agency’s capabilities and compatibility with your business without the risk of a full-scale commitment. A successful pilot builds trust and confidence, while a less favorable outcome offers insights into whether the agency aligns with your long-term needs.

Contract flexibility

Seek agencies that offer flexible contract terms. This flexibility lets you reassess the partnership periodically and make changes if things aren’t progressing as planned. It’s a safety net providing peace of mind during the new collaboration. Flexible terms also ensure you’re not locked into a contract that doesn’t fit your evolving needs and expectations.

How to Choose the Right Ecommerce Agency? 

Hiring an ecommerce agency is like finding a perfect match for your business. You need a partner who truly understands you and brings your vision to life. Here’s a guide to help you through the process and choose an agency that aligns with your goals and values.

Define your goals

Before you start searching for agencies, it’s crucial to define what you want to achieve. Think about what you need from your ecommerce platform. You might want a user-friendly store that enhances customer experience. Or a solid platform to handle heavy traffic. Or perhaps advanced marketing tools to boost sales.

Read more: RFP for Ecommerce Website: Hunting Out the Best Vendor to Replatform 

Clearly defined goals will guide your search. Consider your short-term needs and long-term ambitions. This clarity helps you find an agency that matches your vision and can deliver what you need.

Estimate your budget

Building an ecommerce site can be a big investment. It’s important to know how much you’re willing to spend. Understand the different pricing models agencies offer. Some charge fixed fees, while others work on hourly rates or offer retainers. Knowing your budget will help you choose agencies that fit within your financial limits and offer the services you need.

Search, search, search

Now, dive into your search. Explore different ways to find potential agencies:

  • Google: Start with a basic search. Use terms like “top ecommerce agencies” or “best ecommerce development for [your industry].” This will give you a broad list of options.
  • Check review platforms: Sites like Clutch offer detailed reviews and ratings. See client feedback and get insights into an agency’s reliability and performance.
  • Partner listings: Many ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce have directories of certified partners. These lists can help you find agencies with the right expertise.

Check portfolio

A good portfolio shows a variety of projects and their ability to handle different ecommerce platforms and industries. 

Look for case studies similar to your project. Notice their work in design, functionality, and user experience. If you want a custom-built solution, see how the agency has tackled similar challenges.

Interview the shortlisted candidates

With your list narrowed down, it’s time to meet the candidates. Schedule interviews with your top picks and evaluate them based on:

  • Cultural and personal fit: Does their communication style fit with yours? Do you feel comfortable with their ability to understand and share your vision?
  • Transparency and communication: Are they clear about their processes and pricing? Do they listen to your needs and provide straightforward answers?
  • Track record: Look for proof of success in similar projects. Ask for specific examples and case studies showing their ability to deliver on time and within budget.
  • Additional criteria: Depending on your needs, consider other factors like post-launch support, marketing abilities, and pricing structures. Make sure the agency offers the right mix of services for your long-term goals.

Review the proposal

After your interviews, go over the proposals from your shortlisted agencies. Each project development plan should explain their approach, timeline, cost breakdown, and deliverables. See how well their plan fits with your project goals and budget. Look for clear milestones and a well-defined scope of work. This will help you decide if their approach meets your expectations and if they’ve truly understood your needs.

Make the hire

With all the information you’ve gathered, it’s time to choose. Pick the agency that meets your technical and budget needs and aligns with your business values and goals. Trust your instincts and the research you’ve done. A well-chosen agency will be a valuable partner in bringing your ecommerce vision to life.

Hiring an Ecommerce Agency: Trust the Process

Building an online store isn’t as simple as piecing together a few pages and hoping for the best. It’s a detailed, sometimes nerve-wracking task. If this sounds familiar, you’re in good company. The process can be daunting, especially if you’re diving into it for the first time or bouncing back from a previous stumble.

But here’s the silver lining: finding the right ecommerce agency isn’t just a big win – it’s a lifeline. From brainstorming ideas to the final launch, the right agency is your trusted co-pilot, turning your ecommerce aspirations into a smooth reality. They mix creativity, tech skills, and strategic insight to help you cut through the digital noise and stand out in the crowded online marketplace.

At Elogic, we’ve walked in your shoes, and we know that the road to a successful ecommerce store isn’t always straightforward. We offer more than just development – we offer partnership. Our team is here to guide you through every twist and turn, ensuring your online store surpasses your expectations.

Ready to transform your ecommerce vision into a thriving reality? Let’s make it happen together.

Partner up with Elogic

Frequently asked questions

What is microservices architecture?

It is a way of organizing elements of a software product when its containerized modules exist as independent units with a separate scope, operation logic, and database. The connection between blocks is performed via a network of APIs, which enables loose coupling of components across the system.

What advantages do microservices have over monolithic architecture?

The arrangement of back-end elements as a set of standalone containers allows for the individual development, modification, deployment, and testing of each unit within the system. Besides, it makes the code in them transparent, permits the employment of multiple tools and languages for their creation, simplifies bug detection, and rules out cascading faults.

What is an example of a microservice architecture?

A typical structure of a microservices e-store contains a web or mobile app UI, which relies on an array of APIs functioning on the routing layer to enable access to containerized capabilities. A garden-variety ecommerce site has a product microservice (product catalog, product search, prices and promotions), an inventory microservice, an order microservice (orders, returns, delivery, payments), and a customer microservice, each with its own database.

What are the benefits of microservices architecture for ecommerce companies?

By embracing microservices architecture, an ecommerce organization can shorten the time to market of the e-store and its separate elements, minimize downtime in case of its upgrading or repairing, integrate external professional systems, provide a seamless omnichannel shopping experience to the clientele, and adopt a mild expenditure curve.

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